We offer a number of services that help our clients handle different situations and to boost their business needs.
Security Management and Cyber Security
Aviation Air traffic Management Consultancy
Public Policy Formulation, Analysis and Implementation
Civil society and democratization
Military and civil authority
Parliamentary instruments and international best practices
Parliamentary committees
Legislature and IT Governance
Legislative processes for effective parliaments
Gender mainstreaming in legislation
Ethics and governance
Foreign Policy Analysis
Leadership and development
Good governance
IDM Consultancy Limited is a consultancy firm incorporated under Companies Act, 2015. that was set up with the core aim of Research in Peace and Security complimented by providing training on issues of Security, legislative procedure, governance and public administration.
To be the leading Institution in the Region in Peace and Security Research, with training emphasis for the next Generation Leadership focusing on conflict areas in IGAD Region.
Research in Peace and Security from Multi-disciplinary approach in Eastern Africa, and Great Lake Region. With Focus in Social Sciences and Humanities embracing the technological change and advancement. Training and capacity building for next Generation Leaders in Security, Parliamentary Legislation, Leadership, Good Governance, Public Policy, Democracy and Democratization, Humanitarian Action and Peace building.
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